Environmental & Natural Resources Law
Environmental & Natural Resources Law
The attorneys of Montgomery & Interpreter, PLC, provide legal advice to businesses, individuals, and Tribal clients on a broad spectrum of environmental and natural resource matters. We assist clients in determining which environmental laws and regulations are applicable to their activities and provide them with the legal advice and guidance they need to comply with the law, protect the environment, and obtain any necessary State, Federal or Tribal permits. We also provide experienced legal advice to Tribal governments, departments, and enterprises as they work to protect Tribal resources, develop their own Tribal environmental laws and programs, and safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of Tribal members.
Some of our major practice areas in environmental and natural resource law include:
Representative Accomplishments
- Tracked the movement of Congressional legislation, which affected the interests of our Tribal clients and developed legal, political and public relations strategies to accomplish the protection of Tribal resources from negative impacts by non-Tribal entities, including mining companies and federal agencies. Prepared detailed Congressional testimony on behalf of Tribal clients for submittal to House and Senate Committees and Subcommittees for these matters.
- Principal drafter of litigation documents on behalf of a northern Arizona Tribe in a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Appeal Board case involving the challenge to the issuance of a Clean Water Act permit to Phelps Dodge for the development of a large scale housing development near the Tribe’s reservation.
- Prepared necessary comments, objections and management plans on behalf of Tribal clients for submission to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), to successfully avoid the designation of critical habitat on Tribal lands under the Endangered Species Act, and to protect the Tribes’ sovereign interests in controlling their own resources on Tribal Land.
© 2025 Montgomery & Interpreter, PLC